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اندونيسيا احتياطيات النقد الأجنبي
الإصدار الأخير
يناير ٣١، ٢٠٢٥
وحدات في
USD Million
الاصدار القادم
مارس ٠٧، ٢٠٢٥
وقت الاصدار
24 أيام 18 ساعات
الأعلى | الأسفل | معدل | نطاق الموعد | المصدر |
156,100 يناير ٢٠٢٥ | 27,404.3 يوليو ٢٠٠٠ | 88,847.62 USD Million | 2000-2025 | Bank Indonesia |
أخر التحديثات
Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves advanced to a new record peak of USD 156.1 billion in January 2025, up from USD 155.7 billion the previous month. The increase was supported by the issuance of government global bonds and tax and service revenues amid the Rupiah stabilization policy in response to global financial uncertainty. These reserves are sufficient to cover 6.7 months of imports or 6.5 months of imports and debt payments well above the international adequacy standard of around 3 months. Bank Indonesia views foreign exchange reserves as adequate to support external sector resilience, with export prospects remaining positive and the capital and financial account balance predicted to continue recording a surplus.
اندونيسيااحتياطيات النقد الأجنبي تاريخ
اخر 12القراءات