مؤشر البحث:
اختر الدولة
الهند معدل التضخم
الإصدار الأخير
أكتوبر ٣١، ٢٠٢٤
وحدات في
الاصدار القادم
ديسمبر ١٢، ٢٠٢٤
وقت الاصدار
28 أيام 10 ساعات
الأعلى | الأسفل | معدل | نطاق الموعد | المصدر |
12.17 نوفمبر ٢٠١٣ | 1.54 يونيو ٢٠١٧ | 5.93 % | 2012-2024 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) |
أخر التحديثات
The annual inflation rate in India soared to 6.21% in October of 2024 from 5.49% in the previous month, well above market expectations of 5.81% to mark the highest inflation rate in over one year. The result also marked the departure of India’s price growth from the RBI’s target of 2 percentage points away from the 4% level, further prolonging the expectations of eventual rate cuts. Inflation surged for food (10.87% vs 9.24% in September), which accounts for nearly half of the price basket, amid higher prices for and rose further for vegetables (42.18% vs 35.99%), oils and fats (9.51% vs 2.47%), and meat and fish (3.17% vs 2.66%). In turn, inflation also rose for housing (2.81% vs 2.78%), while deflation slowed for fuel and light (-1.39% vs -1.61%). From the previous month, the Indian CPI soared by 1.34%.
الهندمعدل التضخم تاريخ
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