مؤشر البحث:
اختر الدولة
هونغ كونغ الميزان التجاري
الإصدار الأخير
سبتمبر ٣٠، ٢٠٢٤
وحدات في
HKD Million
الاصدار القادم
نوفمبر ٢٦، ٢٠٢٤
وقت الاصدار
27 أيام 8 ساعات
الأعلى | الأسفل | معدل | نطاق الموعد | المصدر |
7,228 يناير ٢٠٠٩ | -68,533 يونيو ٢٠٢٢ | -9,749.08 HKD Million | 1952-2024 | N/A |
أخر التحديثات
Hong Kong's trade deficit decreased to $53.2 billion in September 2024 from $64.6 billion in the corresponding month of the previous year. Exports climbed 4.7% from a year earlier to a two-year high of $398.1 billion, primarily driven by higher sales of office machines and automatic data processing machines (52.8%), power generating machinery and equipment (19.4%), and non-ferrous metals (4.2%). Meanwhile, imports rose at a softer 1.4% year-on-year to over two-year high of $451.3 billion, driven by increased purchases of office machines and automatic data processing machines (65.4%), power generating machinery and equipment (27.8%), and professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus (17.5%). Considering the first nine months of the year, the country’s trade deficit was $270 billion, with exports increasing by 10.7% and imports growing by 7.1% compared to the same period a year earlier.
هونغ كونغالميزان التجاري تاريخ
اخر 12القراءات