مؤشر البحث:
اختر الدولة
تشيلي سعر الفائدة
الإصدار الأخير
ديسمبر ١٧، ٢٠٢٤
وحدات في
الاصدار القادم
يناير ٢٨، ٢٠٢٥
وقت الاصدار
1 الشهور 9 الأيام 21 الساعات
الأعلى | الأسفل | معدل | نطاق الموعد | المصدر |
14 سبتمبر ١٩٩٨ | 0.5 يوليو ٢٠٠٩ | 4.65 % | 1995-2024 | Banco Central de Chile |
أخر التحديثات
The Central Bank of Chile unanimously voted to reduce the policy interest rate by 25 bps to 5% at its December meeting, reflecting persistent external and domestic challenges. Globally, the U.S. economy remains resilient, while China’s weakness weighs on copper prices, now near $4/lb. Rising global uncertainty, long-term interest rates, and a stronger dollar have pressured Chile’s peso, which depreciated 6% since the last meeting. Domestically, Q3 activity aligned with forecasts but showed weak private consumption and investment, particularly outside the mining sector. Inflation reached 4.2% in November, above projections, due to higher costs from peso depreciation, rising wages, and electricity tariffs. Short-term inflation pressures may push rates toward 5% in H1 2025, though weaker domestic demand could ease pressures longer term. The Central Bank remains cautious, reaffirming its flexible approach to ensure inflation converges to 3% within two years.
تشيليسعر الفائدة تاريخ
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